
What is Building Recertification?

In accordance with the Miami Dade County Code, section 8-11 (f), all buildings, except single-family residences, duplexes, and minor structures, which are thirty (30) years or older must be recertified by the Building Official when the structure becomes 30 years old and then every 10 years after the first Recertification.  For buildings (condominiums and cooperative associations) 3-stories or taller located 3-miles within the coastline are required to be recertified 25 years and 10 years thereafter.

The Building Official may issue an extension of not more than 60 days from the recertification deadline to submit a recertification report or to obtain any necessary permits upon a written extension request from an engineer or architect. Such a request must contain a signed and sealed statement from the engineer or architect that the building may continue to be occupied while undergoing recertification.

When did this change from a 40 year Recertification process?

The new state law, which went into effect on May 26, 2022, created new requirements for milestone inspections of condominium and cooperative association buildings that are three stories and taller. 

The changes of the Miami-Dade County recertification program became effective on June 01, 2022, and have been enhanced to include inspections of additional building components and a more detailed look at existing buildings.

About Structural and Electrical Inspections

The Owner or Owner’s representative must hire a Registered Architect and / or a Professional Engineer to perform electrical and structural inspections for the building and submit a completed report of the inspection performed to the Village of Pinecrest Building Department for review and approval.

What is considered a minor building?

Minor Buildings are defined as any occupancy group having an occupant load of 10 or less, and having a gross area of 2,000 square feet or less.

Where can I view the Florida Building Code?

How does Building Recertification work?

  • As of January 2022, The Village of Pinecrest will provide, where applicable, advance courtesy noticing of required recertifications.
  • Advance courtesy noticing will begin two-years before the required recertification cycle, followed by another notice one-year prior to the final 90-day notice of required recertification.
  • Early noticing helps property owners and building managers in planning for the hiring of an engineer or architect and budgeting for any repairs required to maintain compliance with the applicable codes.


When a building is required to submit a report for the 30/10 year recertification, the Building Department will send a notice to the Owner or Owner’s representative via certified mail. 



The owner of a Building who has been notified that a 30/10 year recertification is required for their building, shall furnish within ninety (90) days of the receipt of the Notification of Building Recertification a complete written report; which has to be submitted to the Building Official.

The reports must be prepared by a Professional Engineer or an Architect registered in the State of Florida, certifying that each such building or structure is structurally and electrically safe, or has been made structurally and electrically safe for the specified use for continued occupancy in conformity with the minimum inspection procedural guidelines as issued by the Miami Dade County Board of Rules and Appeals. Report will also include an Illumination Survey for the parking areas. Building Recertification reports shall bear the impressed seal and signature of the certifying Engineer and or Architect.

Failure to submit the required Building Recertification report within the maximum time limitation of (90 days) will result in the issuance of a Building Violation and a late fee will be charged against the Building.

Required Repairs

In the event that repairs or modifications are found to be necessary resulting from the building recertification inspection, the Owner shall have a total of 150 days from the date of the Notice of Required Inspection in which to complete indicated repairs or modifications in compliance with all applicable Sections of the Florida Building Code.

The Owner of the property must hire a State of Florida Licensed Contractor and obtain permits from the Building Department prior to performing any repairs or modifications.

Once all permits receive an approved final inspection from the electrical and/or structural inspectors, the Professional Engineer and/or the Registered Architect of record must submit a signed and sealed report stating that all repairs have been completed and the building is structurally and electrically safe for continued use. 

Recertification Approval

The Owner must submit a report that has been prepared by a Professional Engineer and/or Registered Architect licensed in the State of Florida, to the Building Department Governmental Compliance Section, certifying that the building is structurally and electrically safe for the specified use and occupancy in conformity with the minimum inspection procedure.

When the recertification reports have been approved, the Building Official will issue a Building Recertification approval letter that will be sent to the Owner and the Professional Engineer and/or Architect of record. Retain this letter as proof of approval.




Recertification Resources

The Recommended Minimum Inspection Procedural Guidelines for Building Recertification to be utilized by your architect or engineer are available online at the following link(s):