Pinecrest Composting Program

A large drop off bin is located in front of the Pinecrest Public Library that is available seven days week for your compost.
You can also drop off food scraps seven days a week at the bins located between the Community Center and Pinecrest Gardens near the cottage. Just look for the signs in the parking lot.
Sundays are a special day for composting. You can pick up a free compost bin and drop off your food scraps at the Fertile Earth Worm Farm tent right next to the entrance of Pinecrest Gardens.
By combining composting efforts with enjoyable community activities like the farmers market, Pinecrest is fostering a culture of sustainability and environmental consciousness among its residents.
Remember, composting is a simple and effective way to create a greener future for our community. So, save your food waste, drop it off at the composting bins, and be a part of the solution.
What can be composted:
- Food scraps, we take all food scraps, including prepared foods, meat, dairy
- Food-soiled papers: napkins, pizza boxes, waxed cardboard, coffee filters
- Plant debris: plants, untreated wood, and soil
What cannot be composted?
- bioplastics, biodegradable food service ware items (i.e. compostable plates and cups), plastics, metal, ceramics, chemically treated wood, flowers
Why should you compost?
Fact: Food waste in landfills produces large amounts of greenhouse gases. Composting is the process of converting food waste into a valuable soil amendment, which significantly reduces CO2 emissions.
Fact: The composting program in Pinecrest not only helps reduce greenhouse gases but also promotes sustainable waste management.
Fact: Food waste composting enriches the soil with essential nutrients, leading to healthier and more sustainable agriculture.
Fact: By participating in the Pinecrest composting program, residents can actively contribute to reducing landfill waste and its harmful environmental impacts.
Read Miami Herald article titled She’s Miami’s Compost Queen, Ruler of a Climate-friendly, Waste-eating Worm Force featuring Fertile Earth founder Lanette Sobel. (Note: only Miami Herald subscribers can access full article.)
This pilot program is fully funded by Miami-Dade County District 7 Commissioner Raquel Regalado. Pinecrest is excited about a partnership that recognizes the critical importance of sustainable waste management and environmental conservation. Pinecrest, Commissioner Regalado, Miami-Dade County, and Fertile Earth Worm Farm are committed to enabling engagement in innovative composting practices, fostering a greener and healthier environment for current and future generations in the Village. By fully funding this pilot program, Commissioner Regalado is helping to address the community’s organic waste challenges by promoting the recycling of biodegradable materials into nutrient-rich compost.